Before I came to Brasil, I always had this image of a country with lots of sun, long days and outdoor life. The two last days of thick fog and rain all the time were already depressing (yes, I’m aware of the winter weather in Austria), but looking at the forecast for the next two weeks my expectations will not be fulfilled any time soon … Continue reading “Sad Outlook”
Tag: Weather
It will be nice and sunny, interrupted by a few showers!
After leaving Europe on January 8 a warm and cosy year (almost) lies ahead of me:
- January: Melbourne 14,0-26,4 °C (48 mm)
- February: Brisbane 21,1-29,1 °C (127 mm)
- March: Cairns 23,0-30,5 °C (426 mm)
- April: Queenstown 6,2-16,1°C (75 mm)
- May: Wellington 8,8-14,2 °C (117 mm)
- June: Auckland 8,0-15,2 °C (111 mm)
- July: Tokyo 23,0-29,4 °C (153 mm)
- August: Osaka 25,1-33,0 °C (99 mm)
- September: Honolulu 23,4-31,6 °C (19 mm)
- October: Los Angeles 15,5-26,11 °C (9 mm)
- November: Sao Paulo 20,3-25,9 °C (140 mm)
- December: Porto Alegre 19,0-29,0 °C (90 mm)
Explanation: Average Temperature Minimum-Maximum (Precipitation in mm)