The first journey
It began quite small. After visiting beautiful Lisbon in 2011 it started with an idea, which I considered quite crazy at this point of time. Then I bought a world map where I marked people I could visit around the globe. Shortly after, the daydreaming became more and more detailed and so I began to ask myself some questions. Is it realistic to “just” go for one year? What do I have to do for realizing such a plan? Would I miss a lot here in Vienna?
I started telling people about my potential plans and with every conversation I had, it became more and more clear that a journey like this is really appealing to me. Finally, bound to my bed because of some bad food choice for about three days I reached my final conclusion.
When the decision was taken it was actually quite simple: Write a list of everything you have to arrange and just go for it. I admit, it sometimes feels scary, but I’m looking forward to 365 days of meeting people, seeing places and get a bunch of new experiences 😉
In December 2012 I returned to Vienna after a wonderful year. Read a short summary about my trip in the blog entry “A Good Year“.
The second journey
I never thought I’d return to an island far away from the the rest of the world, but I also didn’t expect to met my amazing wife Aundrea. So here I am and in December 2014 after a short intermezzo in Austria I left again for a longer stay in Hawaii. Since then we have been busy, enjoying family life – between the two of us we have 4 kids – taking as many photos as we can – and exploring the world!
The third chapter
Life brought us now to New England, a tad bit closer to my home in Austria, so since 2017 we are now enjoying the state of Massachusetts. It was a big move, which comes with its own sets of challenges. However, I have to say I love having seasons again, I love being close to places which inspire me and I love being so much closer to my family.