Maybe that’s just the price you pay

Oh the last I heard she’s sleeping rough back on the Derby beat
White Horse in her hip pocket and a wolfhound at her feet
And they say she even married once, a man named Romany Brown
But even a gypsy caravan was too much settling down
And they say her flower is faded now, hard weather and hard booze
But maybe that’s just the price you pay for the chains you refuse

Oh she was a rare thing, fine as a bee’s wing
And I miss her more than ever words could say
If I could just taste all of her wildness now
If I could hold her in my arms today
Well I wouldn’t want her any other way

Beeswing by Richard Thompson

Unconditional Love

Home life has been very straining those last couple of weeks, but by Friday we had a veritable crisis at hand. We had to intervene in a way which some time ago, we didn’t believe possible. The question is how can you help someone, who doesn’t want help. How can you make sure they receive the care necessary, even if you really have no idea what they need. You just know it can’t go any further.

Continue reading “Unconditional Love”

Booku – a Northampton Haiku

The other day Aundrea and I were exploring our potential new home town Northampton and we were strolling through Thornes, a quaint little market place in the center of the city. Filled with locally sourced food stores and artsy shops it is a fun spot to explore. We ended up at the book store and suddenly I was thinking of a little “Haiku” game. Selecting five book titles and creating a poem with them. Can you guess who created which one?

Continue reading “Booku – a Northampton Haiku”


Resolution: I love to explore my creativity and share what is important to me through it.

One is so easily distracted by the noise surrounding us. One is so easily scared by the silence when you withdraw yourself from it. Finding your way seems to be so hard. But is it really? It requires discipline and training to stop, to let go and listen to what is already there. When we are caught in everyday busyness, we forget that so often and keep on running. Always creating nothing. Running but standing still.