Unconditional Love

Home life has been very straining those last couple of weeks, but by Friday we had a veritable crisis at hand. We had to intervene in a way which some time ago, we didn’t believe possible. The question is how can you help someone, who doesn’t want help. How can you make sure they receive the care necessary, even if you really have no idea what they need. You just know it can’t go any further.

At the same time, Aundrea and I are in our third week of an enlighting twelve week course provided by the National Alliance on Mental Illness. The Family to Family training is providing us with lots of background information about the challenges of mental illnesses, strategies to cope with it and a deep understanding, what other families are going through. It gives me perspective on my personal hardships and shows ways forward out of a situation which feels so often hopeless. I can highly recommend it to everyone, who faces similar challenges.

Fitting to the whole situation I was listening to the latest episode of This American Life on my way to class today. In this weeks installment about Unconditional Love there are two special stories, about how people cope with a situation when their loved ones need help.